This update 15th July replaces 12th, 5th July and 20th June posts and clarifies that C1 route will be diverted via Esker Lane/Elmbrook Avenue for the duration of road closure as bus stops beside Lucan Pool complex and Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada will be inaccessible.
NB - Road Closure was due to start this morning 15th, but had not commenced until 1pm. This may be intermittent so keep an eye out.
Latest update on swimming pool delay: https://www.paulgogarty.com/post/lucan-pool-progress-update-july-august-2024
Apologies for ongoing delays in replies post-election, exacerbated by recent family bereavement. I am now working through this backlog.

Roads Act 1993, Section 75
Proposed Temporary Closure of:
Lucan Newlands Road, County Dublin
To facilitate GMC utilities to install a sewer connection on behalf of Uisce Éireann, South Dublin County Council has made an order to temporarily close the following road.
Road Name: Lucan Newlands Road, Co. Dublin
From: Monday 15th July 2024
To: Friday 19th July 2024
Time of Closure: 24h hours Daily

C1 Bus Diversion:
Dublin Bus Operations Team has advised that due to roadworks from Monday 15 July until Friday 19 July 2024, the following diversions will be in place on Route C1:
Towards Adamstown Station Normal route to Griffeen Road, divert via Griffeen Way, Willsbrook, Elmbrook Avenue, Esker Lane South, The Glebe, Old Esker Lane and back on to normal route. Bus stop 4610 Lucan Leisure Centre, Ash Park will not be in use during this time, please proceed to stop 4611 St. Finian's, Esker Road for your nearest stop location.
Towards Sandymount Normal route to Old Esker Lane, divert via Lucan Newlands Road, The Glebe, Esker Lane, Elmbrook Avenue, Willsbrook Road, Griffeen Way, Griffeen Road and back on to normal route. Bus stop 4624 Lucan Leisure Centre, Griffeen Road will not be in use during this time, please proceed to stop 4627 St Finian's, Nursing Home for your nearest stop location.
Vehicular Detour Route 1: From Griffeen Road, turn right onto Griffeen Way, straight throughroundabout onto Willsbrook Road, take the first exit onto Elmbrook Ave, onto Esker Lane South then left onto GriffeenRoad.
Route 2: From Griffeen Road turn right onto Esker Lane South, onto Elmbrook Ave, take 3rd Exit onto Willsbrook Road, straight through the roundabout onto Griffeen Way and left onto Griffeen Road.

Hopefully it's not closed for 5 years like the leisure centre during the construction of a pool. South Dublin County Council what an absolute fiasco and diagraceful way to treat the people of Lucan, beyond a joke!