Putting on website for information purposes. See link:
Proposed Search and Rescue (SAR) hangar on lands forming part of Weston Airport, at Celbridge Road, Backweston, Lucan, Co. Dublin. The proposed development will consist of a part single and part two storey SAR helicopter hangar of 1,984.4 sq.m FGA to accommodate 2 no. helicopters, maintenance store, workshop and facilities, operations rooms and offices, staff kitchen and accommodation for on0shift personnel. The hangar facility will also facilitate maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) activities for SAR helicopters only. A single-storey structure of 48.9 sq.m GFA facilitating ESB substation, switch room, and security room is also proposed. Permission is also sought for airside infrastructure comprising apron area to connect with existing apron, refuelling areas, service access area and a subdivided fenced compound to accommodate airside SAR support vehicles. The landside subdivision of the fenced compound will house a generator and water tank for firefighting purposes. Also proposed is the reconfiguration of existing emergency airside access from the R403 Celbridge Road to facilitate a dual emergency (airside) access route; pedestrian footpath and access to the proposed development; 20 no. car parking spaces including EV charging and disabled parking provision; 17 no. bicycle parking spaces; watermain and drainage works including foul pump station and rising main; landscaping including paving, planting, earth mounding, and SuDs, SAR facility wall-mounted signage, fencing and all associated site development works on a site area of 2.1112 Ha.
Myself and a number of other local Councillors met with the new owners in relation to this application. There will be minimal traffic disruption and we are also satisfied that flight paths will be away from housing estates in the area.
That said there will still be a certain level of activity during the day and occasional night time rescues. If people have concerns from a planning perspective, the deadline for submissions is 22nd January.
I put in many submissions in the past about restricting the development of this airport for valid reasons, including during development plans, but from what I could gather from a tour of the site and looking at the drawings, this particular application will not lead to a significant increase in flights or noise that would be detrimental to people's quality of life. Most of the works planned relate to sleeping quarters for rescue staff and other accommodation on the periphery of the site.