This update 22nd November 2024
Apologies for delay in getting out which was due to an increased time pressure around this period.
Additional information on projects in written section below:
Construction status
Approximately 4,800 homes now built out of 7,500 with planning applications completed.
Central Boulevard Park
Planning files here:
Site overview here:
Planning application submitted October 2024; decision due 4th December
Public procurement Q 3 2025
Natural woodland boundary and hedgerow buffer, teen space toddler space adult fitness.
Primary Care Centre
Works commenced; expected completion Q4 2025.
Parking for centre will be in the multi-storey car park.
Vet, personal fitness, café and pharmacy in situ, along with Tesco/Aldi.
Eurasia starting fitting out process shortly. Butcher and hardware store to follow.
Other beauty and electronic retail in discussions.
The retail local centre near Tandy's Lane estate is expected to commence in approximately 18 months.
Chilcare facility at St Helen's will have 110 spaces and expected to be ready in the first half of next year after a delay. Currently 233 spaces near Lidl and more planned in the central district area.
While there is childcare planned in the scheme, the overall availability of childcare is dependent on private operators at present and the pricing is related to Government subventions. There is a need for a wider mix of options to increase capacity, but this is a wider issue outside of Adamstown.
Public transport
Still confusion and no timescale over delivery of C2 rerouted service. My bus survey showed major deficits here and elsewhere in west Dublin. This issue is ongoing in terms of pressuring NTA.
Train capacity issues also highlighted. Appears to be no major remedy until rollout of Dart+ Southwest in 2026 earliest, but likely 2027.
Taking in charge
Progress made on many of the major roads not yet taken in charge, but process cannot be completed until everything is handed over 100% to specs. Hallwell Phase 1 taken in charge recently. Am querying roadway passing The Paddocks Drive/Gandon and Dodsboro cottages as a yellow box is required here but the roadway was in developer hands since realignment some years back.
Civic library
At advanced pre-planning stage.