- This is a very detailed rolling update on Lucan schools first published in July 2023 and last amended 13th September 2024 - It also includes information on schools in Palmerstown
Introduction - The wider context
Residents living a while in Lucan will know I've a long record of raising schools issues locally, with some successes in pushing projects through the "Lucan Schools Crisis" and "Lucan Schools Crisis II" campaigns and amendments to the original Adamstown SDZ plan to meet demand for schools in line with new housing developments. Equally there has been much frustration. Nationally I've been recognised by the three largest teaching unions for my work in protecting education funding at a time of massive cutbacks, especially as a TD in 2008/2010, and also through the launch of "50 Steps to a Better Education System" in 2006, which emphasised among other things that there can be a seven-fold benefit from investment at the early years in particular. But years have passed and education does not appear to be getting recognition and funding it deserves.
The local situation continues to evolve and pressure needs to be applied constantly. We are at a stage now in Lucan, where there is again huge pressure on school places, especially in rapidly growing areas such as Adamstown and in Lucan South. It also has a knock on effect on areas historically attending Lucan-based schools, such as Palmerstown.
Residents in newer estates especially are finding that they are not being put in category 1 catchment areas by existing primary schools which claim they cannot cope with existing demand. This is why currently-planned schools need to open earlier than anticipated originally.
Most recent reply from Department in relation to school issues I raised
September 2024
Over the summer I requested a meeting with officials in terms of capacity issues relating to the new modular homes for Ukrainians. While spaces appear to have been found at various locations in multiple schools, the refusal of officials to engage on numbers that would create a critical mass for earlier opening of the new expanded ET school in Tandy's Lane beggars belief. I understand that there may be a temporary location set up pending construction but the Department is notoriously difficult to get any engagement with.
March 2024
"I refer to your recent correspondence to the Minister for Education, Ms. Norma Foley TD. I wish to advise that requirements for school places is kept under on-going review in the context of available information on population, enrolments and residential development activity.
"In order to plan for school provision and analyse the relevant demographic data, the Department divides the country into 314 school planning areas and uses a Geographical Information System, using data from a range of sources, including CSO Census data, Child Benefit and school enrolment data, to identify where the pressure for school places across the country will arise and where additional school accommodation is needed at primary and post-primary level. Major new residential developments have the potential to alter the demand for school places at a local level. In that regard, as part of the demographic demand analysis, the Department monitors planning and construction activity in the residential sector. This involves the analysis of data sources from Local Authorities and the CSO along with the engagement with local authorities and the construction sector.
"In this way, up-to-date information on significant new residential developments is obtained and factored into the demographic analysis exercise. This is necessary to ensure that schools infrastructure planning is keeping pace with demographic changes, at a local level, where there is a constantly evolving picture with planned new residential development. Where demographic data indicates that additional provision is required, the delivery of such additional provision is dependent on the particular circumstances of each case and may, be provided through:
"Utilising existing unused capacity within a school or schools,
Extending the capacity of a school or schools,
Provision of a new school or schools.
"There are two primary school projects in the school planning area and when completed, will cater for the demand for school places in the area: Adamstown Castle Educate Together National School (Roll No: 20268H) Brief: 32x General classrooms, to create 4 Classroom SEN base. Stage 1: Stage 1 is the Preliminary Design Stage where the Design Team in conjunction with the school authorities, will analyse all the constraints of the site, develop a preferred design option and ensure that the preferred option is the best option for the delivery of the brief.
"St. Andrews NS (Roll No: 12014D) - Brief: 1 x 100m2 SEN modular classroom. Stage 4: Stage 4 is the signing of the letter of acceptance to the successful contractor and commencement on site.
There are six post primary school projects in the school planning area and when completed, will cater for the demand for school places in the area:
Griffeen Community College (Roll No: 76454S) Brief: New School Building. Project to provide long term projected enrolments of 1000 plus 4 Special Education Needs base. Stage 3: Stage 3 is the instruction for the project to proceed to Tender
"Lucan Community College (Roll No: 70080T)- Brief: extension to cater for long term projected enrolments of 1000 plus 2 Special Education Needs Base. Stage 3: Stage 3 is the instruction for the project to proceed to Tender. "
[Update March 1 2024, the school has been waiting for a letter of intent to get the works moving and Councillors attended two meetings with the PA and passed a joint motion. The school also has this petition: https://www.change.org/p/call-to-action-from-lucan-community-college-parents-to-minister-norma-foley? ] Update May 2024: There has been progress on this matter, finally.
"St. Joseph's College (Roll No. 60263V)- Brief: extension and refurbishment to cater for long term projected enrolments of 1000. Stage 4: Stage 4 is the signing of the letter of acceptance to the successful contractor and commencement on site. Update September 2024: These works are at an advanced stage.
"Colaiste Phadraig CBS (60264A)- Brief: refurbishment for Home Economics. Stage 4.
"St. Kevin's Community College (70042L)- Brief: 3 general classrooms (prefab replacements) and 2 classroom Special education needs base and ancillary. Stage 1: Stage 1 is the Preliminary Design Stage where the Design Team in conjunction with the school authorities, will analyse all the constraints of the site, develop a preferred design option and ensure that the preferred option is the best option for the delivery of the brief.
"Colaiste Cois Life (76065H) Brief: refurbishment works to create 4 teaching spaces. Two storey modular unit - 7 X 49sqm General Classrooms, 1 X 100sqm Science Room & Prep Area, 1 X 120Sqm Technology Room, 2 Stair Block incl platform lift, male, female & disabled toilets on each floor & circulation space. Both of these projects are at Stage 5: Stage 5 is final handover of the school building to the Patron/Board of Management.
"The Department is not in a position to meet with the committee at this time but will continue to liaise and meet with South Dublin County Council in respect of their County Development Plan and any associated Local Area Plans with a view to identifying any potential long-term school accommodation requirements across school planning areas."
There's also been progress on a rapid build 16-class primary school off Thomas Omer Way beside Kishoge CC and Griffeen CC. My understanding is this will be initially used as temporary accommodation for other schools where building works are due to commence shortly. More as I get information.
Need for a common enrolment system
At second level there is a panic every year to get a place, which is not helped by people feeling the need to put names down on multiple school lists - which then need to clear - meaning that some parents don't know until the final few weeks whether their child has got a place. I've made suggestions in this regard vis a vis a common enrolment system for Lucan, which would at least improve transparency and speed, but so far it has not got any traction. It would need major national legislative change to be implemented legally and so for now could only be voluntary. There are challenges but also many positives, however so far there has been no real enthusiasm from most Lucan schools, the exception being four out of the five Educate Together primary schools in our area who devised and implemented their own system in 2014. See photo images below for more information or click here to skip past.

Pressure needed
At the end of the day, the vast majority of applicants still get a place in a Lucan school, but the wait is very anxious for those living in particular geographic areas, or whose primary schools aren't in the catchment, or who have recently moved in. The overall number of those having to look outside Lucan is relatively small, but growing, and Lucan children attending Confey and Luttrelstown among others attest to the fact that supply is not meeting demand. So we need to keep the pressure up on school places.
I have less direct input on this as a Councillor (except on land use and zoning) but I have been chasing up as and when I can, directly with the Minister for Education and with officials via Council meetings and motions. Areas I've been chasing up this year include seeking a timeline on the primary school at Kishoge, the tender and construction process for Griffeen Community College's permanent building and most recently the urgent need to get the 32-classroom school at Tandy's Lane, Adamstown (already planning approved) to open earlier than 2026, due to major pressures locally already and also the likely requirement to cater for children within the Ukrainian families who will be moving into the modular housing off the Celbridge Link Road from April 2024, which I see as a "tipping point" opportunity to get movement on this site for the existing community. The Government has said it will work to meet requirements, although so far I've seen nothing concrete. I encouraged residents to raise this issue during a briefing on the modular housing on October 10th.
Also, having been actively involved in getting an additional two school sites put into the Adamstown plan back in the day, I also support flexibility being added for the fourth primary site, which may need to be a second level school given the demographics. More anon about this.
Politicians can't get your child a place in a specific school
Elected reps, TDs especially, are encouraged to pressure the Minister for Education to invest in alleviating the shortage of places. However in looking at this wider context, it's also important for parents and guardians to note that TDs or Councillors can't influence specific schools to get places for their children. All we can do is provide information and lobby on overall school places. The annual admissions policy is a board of management decision based on assessment of need and available places overall. I'm not a fan of every policy I've seen but this is the sole remit of the school and patron, as long as national equality legislation is followed.
Even when a Councillor is on a particular BOM (and many of us are), they never get to see the names or circumstances of individual applicants, so the process is totally fair and transparent. They can only influence this admissions policy being amended in the context of population changes locally and national guidelines as mentioned above.
This Citizens Information link on schools admissions policies is quite informative: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/education/the-irish-education-system/admissions-policies-in-primary-and-secondary-schools/#dd86cf
Education Welfare Officers and their role if you can't get a school place for your child
The Education Welfare Officers based at Tusla Education Support Services are supposed to assist in obtaining a place in other schools if you are unable to do so. This link provides further contact information: https://tusla.ie/get-in-touch/education-and-welfare/#EWO Please note that at times of high demand, response times can be slow and I would recommend parents and guardians to make follow up phone calls and emails.
School contact details
Below are details of local primary and secondary schools with links to websites so parents can look up where these schools are and their enrolment policies. I've also included on the primary school map the location of two sites where new primary schools are due to be built. I didn't do this on the second level map because as of now, the only change is for Griffeen Community College to move from its temporary building on the site of Kishoge Community College to land off Griffeen Avenue, which will increase its capacity going forward. I will update on completion dates for this school as and when new information becomes available.
Primary Schools in Lucan (map high res - zoom in)

Community National Schools
Lucan Community National School
Co-Educational, multidenominational
Four Educate Together Schools with Common Enrolment System
Co-Educational, multidenominational
Adamstown Castle ETNS
(Moving from Station Road to an enlarged school building in Tandy's Lane in 2026 approx) https://acetns.ie/
Esker ETNS
Griffeen Valley ETNS
Lucan East ETNS
Lucan Educate Together
School currently outside common enrolment and with different management structure
Co-educational, multidenominational
Catholic ethos - Lucan South Parish Catchment
Divine Mercy Junior National School (JNS) - Lucan South Parish
Junior Infants to 2nd Class
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos
Divine Mercy Senior National School (SNS) - Lucan South Parish
3rd to 6th
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos
Catholic ethos - Esker Parish catchment
St Thomas JNS - Esker Parish except Adamstown (some areas covered, see enrolment policy)
Junior Infants to 2nd
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos
Scoil Aine Naofa SNS - Esker Parish except Adamstown (some areas covered, see enrolment policy)
3rd to 6th
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos
St John The Evangelist NS - Adamstown area
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos, Esker Parish, Adamstown
Scoil Mhuire NS, Airlie Heights - West of Esker Parish, some north Adamstown, see enrolment policy)
Co-Educational, Catholic ethos
Catholic Ethos - Lucan village area catchment
St Mary's BNS
Single sex boys - gives some consideration to siblings attending Scoil Mhuire GNS below
Scoil Mhuire GNS
Single sex girls - gives some consideration to siblings attending St Mary's BNS above
Church of Ireland ethos
St Andrew's NS - Lucan, Leixlip and surrounds catchment
Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig
Catholic, co-educational - Lucan and Palmerstown
Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada - Lucan and Palmerstown
Catholic, co-educational
Palmerstown Primary Schools
St Lorcan's BNS, The Oval, Palmerstown
Catholic, Boys
St Brigid's GNS, Turret Road, Palmerstown
Catholic, Girls
Special Educational Needs
NB for parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) -- Check individual primary and second school websites in terms of SEN policy and special units as these are subject to change and the provision of additional resources. Here is a recent link to special classes being offered in mainstream schools across the country, including Lucan: https://ncse.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Special-Classes-for-publication-31-March-2023.pdf
There is one specific SEN school:
Stewarts School, Rosse Court
Second-level schools (map is high res so you can zoom in)

NB - Most second level schools will prioritise the children of siblings, before looking at local feeder schools. Some have complex policies and need to be looked at carefully. Parents should remember that if they have a preference for a particular second level school, their choice of primary school may minimise their chances of getting a place. Places in Lucan are unfortunately oversubscribed at present, so depending on where you live, your choice of primary or secondary school may be limited and you may end up having to look further afield. This is something I continue to raise but relates to forward planning by the Department of Education and successive Ministers
Catholic ethos
Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan village area
Single sex boys
St Joseph's College - Lucan village area
Single sex girls
Schools under patronage of DDLETB
All multidenominational and co-educational
Adamstown Community College - priority Adamstown area
Colaiste Cois Life - Gaelscoil mainly serving local primary Irish-speaking schools
Griffeen Community College - Currently all Lucan catchment area
In partnership with Scoil Sinead
Kishoge Community College - Priority primary schools in Balgaddy area and some Educate Together
In partnership with Educate Together
Lucan Community College - Esker area and some other categories (full details on website)
St Kevin's Community College - Mainly Balgaddy, Quarryvale/North Clondalkin and some east Lucan
Palmerstown second level school
Pobalscoil Iosolde, Palmerstown
Multidenominational, co-educational under DDLETB
Fee-paying schools nearby
The Kings Hospital, Palmerstown
Co-educational, Church of Ireland ethos
Castleknock College
Boys, Catholic
Mount Sackville, Chapelizod
Girls, Catholic
Other schools with growing Lucan cohort
Confey College, Leixlip
Multidenominational, co-educational - Kildare and Wicklow ETB
Luttrelstown College
Multidenominational, co-educational under DDLETB
Quick links to local primary schools: https://lucancns.ie/ https://lucaneastet.ie/ https://acetns.ie/ https://www.eskeretns.ie/ https://gvet.ie/ https://lucaneastet.ie/ http://www.letns.org/ https://divinemercyjns.weebly.com/ https://www.dmbalgaddysns.ie/ https://stthomasjns.com/ http://scoilaine.com/ https://stjohntheevangelistnationalschool.com/ https://www.scoilmhuire.ie/
https://www.gsnp.ie// https://gser.ie/ Palmerstown: https://www.stlorcans.com/ https://www.stbrigidspalmerstown.com/
Quick links to local secondary schools: https://www.colaistephadraiglucan.ie/ https://stjosephslucan.com/
www.adamstowncc.ie/ https://colaistecoislife.ie/ https://griffeencc.ie/ https://www.kishogecc.ie/ https://lucancc.ie/ http://stkevinscc.ie/ https://kingshospital.ie/ http://www.confeycollege.org/ https://www.luttrellstowncc.ie/ http://www.palmerstowncs.ie
If you've got this far, thank you for your time. I will continue to push for more resources and also encourage all schools in the absence of a national legislative framework to consider entering a common enrolment system so that people know the spaces available earlier in the year and parents/guardians can make informed choices.