I've posted before about the Grand Canal Urban Greenway project and how the first phase of the plan was passed last year, albeit without necessary further time for consultation after the CE report, or indeed some improvements that could have and should have been made to the plan. See here: https://www.paulgogarty.com/post/cycle-route-plan-passed
One promising element was that the Council agreed to plan for a spur from the bridge at Cherbury Park to join up with Vesey Park and onwards to Lucan Demesne via the N4 cyclepath and also possibly using the existing park pathway to access Lucan Village.
However there was some confusion about the role played by the developer of the new Esker Lawn Cemetery as the first part of this link is a condition of planning and needs to be provided in advance of any Council plan to cross the river or go along the N4 wall into Vesey Park.
This is detailed below and the reply to my motion (and the discussion) indicated that communications are ongoing on the transport side, whatever about the information not appearing on any planning file.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive - in preparation for the Council's promised progression in 2023 of the green cycle link spur from the Canal Loop Greenway at Cherbury Park footbridge to Lucan Demesne via Vesey Park - takes steps to ensure that the developer's section of this is completed concurrently, given that publicly accessible records suggest no reply has been received to date following correspondence between SDCC and Cunnane Stratton Reynolds (attached) dated 13/11/2020, seeking information relating to Conditions 9b and 9d of SD10A/0331, namely construction details for the footpath and cycleway, as well as signage and lighting design; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
The Environment, Water and Climate Change Directorate (EWCC) advises that they have been meeting with Cunnane Stratton Reynolds and the Developer on-site to review the future Green Link plans and boundary details drawings and site works. To date, the following has been agreed upon and/or completed:
8m high mesh panel fence along the boundary.
8m mesh panel gate located at the entrance to proposed greenway.
Provision made for 4m wide cycleway (804 sub-base installed).
New native hedge and tree planting along the new boundary.
Ducting installed for future lighting.
As previously advised, a consultant will be appointed to carry out an Options report for the next stage of the , it is anticipated that an update on the progress of that Options report will be provided to the Members this summer.