- Rolling Updates in October/November - NB here may be some useful information in earlier reports and not just the latest, so please feel free to scroll down.
Summary: Last pool completion deadline of October 26th missed. Currently estimated for December, but with fitouts internally by management company and staff training, the pool will not open until the New Year.
- Update 27th November -
I alerted the Council last week that the scheduled meeting with Aura Leisure tomorrow clashed with the Traffic Management meeting. As a result it has now been cancelled pending a new date being set, as well as a date for a tour of the facility. I will keep people updated. As of now the timescale remains on target.
- Update 13th November -
The good news is that there's no slippage as of now for the rescheduled completion in December. This means that the pool should be handed over ready for fitting with Aura Leisure for the New Year, which is expected to take two weeks to a month. Works in the vicinity of the footpath are substantially complete.
As per below my focus for the next Area Committee meeting on 28th is getting the maximum information from Aura Leisure, as well as engagement in relation to facilitating former users of the leisure centre, and we can look at the accountability issues in due course in relation to this process dragging on for so long.
- Update 25th October -
The following motion was on the Area Committee Agenda yesterday and was moved without debate due to time constraints. I had originally intended to table a motion relating to accountability and penalties for not meeting agreed completion dates etc. However I changed the wording after finding out out I would not get any meaningful reply as the earlier completion date given of October 26th had not actually been reached yet.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive outlines the remaining major timelines in relation to the Lucan pool, namely: The completion date for the footpath works; The likely date for members to meet with Aura Leisure; The likely date for a site inspection; The likely date for completion of works on the pool; 5) The likely date for commencement of internal fittings by Aura Leisure; and 6) The likely date for opening the pool to the public.
The contractor of Lucan Pool has advised that the footpath works should be completed by the end of October. If there is a change to this date the Elected Members will be notified.
Aura Leisure are proposing to meet with Lucan /Palmerstown/North Clondalkin ACM Members at 215pm on November 28th before the 3pm ACM meeting.
The Contractor has programmed completion for late December. This is with the possible exception of the multi-function pool as the movable pool floor has a 12 week manufacture lead time and will be complete in early 2024. Options are being explored with the contractor and the operator to allow opening of the rest of the complex in advance of the installation of the moveable floor.
A site inspection for the Members will be agreed with the contractor when nearing practical completion.
Aura Leisure are available to commence fit-out and are liaising with the Council, their design team and the contractor to determine the most suitable date for commencement. The Council will advise as soon as this date has been set and agreed with all parties.
Aura Leisure will commence the installation of the gym equipment and staff training as soon as the building is handed over. A facility is usually ready to open to the public within one month of full building handover and It is expected that this facility should be open early in the new year.
- Update 24th October -
I had mentioned in my October Lucan Update Video that I had never got an official response from SDCC to queries about the traffic management outside the pool. A few hours after this update was published I received two belated responses. I've posted these below:
23/10/2023 Your Ref: Your Reference: Members Reps. ID: 1806447
Dear Councillor Gogarty,
I refer to representation received on 06/09/2023 in relation to General (Architects). The Lucan Swimming Pool development had a requirement to close off a length of the existing footpath to enable services relocation/connection works and works to the adjacent raised junction table. The contractor had planned to complete the works in this area before the school returned from the summer holidays. However, due to required services diversions outside of the contractor’s control, additional time is required to complete these works. The required service diversion works have been carried out and the contractor has advised that the follow-on services and path reinstatement works will be complete by the end of October and the path re-opened. SDCC have advised the contractor to progress these works as a matter of urgency to re-open the path as soon as possible. The contractor engaged with the South Dublin County Council Traffic Section and agreed a temporary pedestrian crossing system, which was implemented on site to coincide with the return of students. This was agreed with the school principal and is being monitored and managed by the contractor accordingly. At high volume times, significant numbers of cars parking on the road for school drop offs are interfering with the two way road traffic. This has the potential to compromise the temporary pedestrian crossing provided, and to maintain the safety of pedestrians, cars are being asked not to park on the road. Some incidents of cars over taking and going through the pedestrian crossings when lights are red have been reported at the park entrance crossing. To address the reported overtaking and other reported concerns, the SDCC Traffic Section recommended that a second set of lights are fitted on the opposite side of the road to increase visibility. This has been put in place as of WE 6th October. The contractor advised that the traffic light system cannot be raised up. SDCC Traffic Section also recommended a line of pencil bollards be fitted in the centre of the road on the approach to the pedestrian crossing to prevent overtaking. These have been put in place as of WE 6th October.
23/10/2023 Your Ref: Your Reference: Members Reps. ID: 1806529
Dear Councillor Gogarty,
I refer to representation received on 07/09/2023 in relation to General (Architects). The Lucan Swimming Pool development had a requirement to close off a length of the existing footpath to enable services relocation/connection works and works to the adjacent raised junction table. The contractor had planned to complete the works in this area before the school returned from the summer holidays. However, due to required services diversions outside of the contractor’s control, additional time is required to complete these works. The required service diversion works have been carried out and the contractor has advised that the follow-on services and path reinstatement works will be complete by the end of October and the path re-opened. SDCC have advised the contractor to progress these works as a matter of urgency to re-open the path as soon as possible. The contractor engaged with the South Dublin County Council Traffic Section and agreed a temporary pedestrian crossing system, which was implemented on site to coincide with the return of students. This was agreed with the school principal and is being monitored and managed by the contractor accordingly. At high volume times, significant numbers of cars parking on the road for school drop offs are interfering with the two way road traffic. This has the potential to compromise the temporary pedestrian crossing provided, and to maintain the safety of pedestrians, cars are being asked not to park on the road. Some incidents of cars over taking and going through the pedestrian crossings when lights are red have been reported at the park entrance crossing. To address the reported overtaking and other reported concerns, the SDCC Traffic Section recommended that a second set of lights are fitted on the opposite side of the road to increase visibility. This has been put in place as of WE 6th October. SDCC Traffic Section also recommended a line of pencil bollards be fitted in the centre of the road on the approach to the pedestrian crossing to prevent overtaking. These have been put in place as of WE 6th October. A second school warden has been requested at school drop off/ collection times for the temporary crossing at the park entrance. However, all school wardens have been allocated well in advance of the schools reopening so there are none currently available. SDCC have requested that the contractor provide a suitably qualified pedestrian marshal. The contractor has advised that they do not currently have a suitably qualified member of staff employed on site, but have committed to making inquiries about engaging one if they can be procured.
- Update 22nd October -
This item was raised at SDCC's monthly Council meeting on 9th October under CE report on capital projects. I contributed on this as did other Cllrs. It's a long debate but worth watching. Weblink here: https://sdcc.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/816344/start_time/8559000?force_language_code=en_GB
In summary the current expectation is for December completion, but caveats are that it needs to be fitted after and staff trained. This is all in the earlier Oct 5th report a few paragraphs below.
At the monthly full Council meeting on October 9th the acting CEO said that the County Architect was "involved now on a daily basis, with reports being given about what resources are on site". He said SDCC had "upped our game on it", and would come back to Area Committee on October 23rd to specifically update Councillors on items requested such as a meeting with Aura Leisure Services and a site inspection.
The footpath works are due to be completed by the end of this month.
In terms of accountability, the acting CEO said there were challenges in what you can and can't say publicly. So the challenge is when can such information be made available and all the information put on the table. There are tender processes to follow and limitations in terms of national legislation and also the need to weigh up when to impose and not impose penalties in terms of delaying projects further. The Council had been given a timescale of 26th October since early July and so further comment could not be made until such a time as undertakings given about that timeframe and whether it was met or not could be clarified after that date.
This report will have a further written update to a motion I tabled for Area Committee which I hope to put up here by the 24th or 25th.
- Earlier main update 5th October 2023 below -
This project was finally slated to be ready for completion on Oct 26th as confirmed by SDCC management in July and again in September, but this has now been confirmed as not being the case - It is the least surprising announcement of the year and is a continuation of multiple delays that SDCC has described as "embarrassing". However no meaningful action ever appears to have been taken to make anyone accountable. There are very few works remaining, but the pace has been slower than a sloth crossing a road. As such, it's now highly unlikely the pool will be open before 2024.
Latest statement from South Dublin County Council Management in relation to the Lucan Swimming Pool
"Unfortunately, despite intensive engagement by our Architects team with the contractor for the Lucan swimming pool project, it is now clear that the contractor has been unable to either increase the resources on site to a sufficient level or to effectively coordinate the work from sub-contractors to meet the key deliverables and dependencies to be in a position to complete the project by the end of this month as they had projected in their most recently submitted programme. This has had a knock-on effect on the timing of the connection of utilities to the site and, more significantly, delayed the ordering of the moveable floor for the secondary pool. "The outcome of the various issues outlined is a revised contractor programme showing completion in December – this is currently being examined by the project managers to confirm its feasibility and it is now our intention to pursue appropriate remedies available under the building contract for any unjustified delays over and above the previously submitted programme. While we are advised by the contractor that the lead-in time for the moveable floor to be delivered and installed can be up to 12 weeks, if we receive a more specific timeline on this that indicates it will impact further on the overall completion date, we will examine initially opening the facility without this feature as and when all other works are complete. "Subject to the revised programme remaining on target, our selected facility partners, Aura Leisure, will arrange an information session for local Councillors next month to outline their plans for operation of the facility while a site visit will also be facilitated closer to project completion. While the ongoing delays are extremely disappointing to us all, particularly the local community, the project will undoubtedly be a fantastic amenity for Lucan and the wider area, and the continued patience and support of the elected members as we approach project completion is greatly appreciated."
I will provide further comments and information in the coming days. This statement may have been issued now so as to minimise discussion at the upcoming full Council meeting on Monday, but I have further questions to ask. We have been requesting a site inspection for over a year now and a meeting with Aura Leisure since February. There are also safety issues with the related fencing closing off the footpath opposite two schools and related traffic management issues.
