This version 6th June 2024. There are some updates and links below to items referenced in the video and some stand-alone articles also.
Adamstown Area Update
This was published quite recently and has news about the rapidly-growing Adamstown SDZ part of Lucan specifically. To have a look at this update, click here:
Peace Commissioner
A reminder that I am a Peace Commissioner so if you need passport or naturalisation documents signed, or other forms that don't need a solicitor or notary-public, feel free to contact me to arrange. Text 087-2752489.
R136/Grange Castle Road Works Commence
I've had a few queries about this, so if you are new to my website, there is a lot of information and background in this article here: .
Dodsboro Shops footpath concern
There is a "desire line" whereby children are likely to still walk out in front of cars to go along the grass verge where the footpath existed previously to access the traffic lights and school warden. The nice new path in the middle is fine, but few will go towards the Spar shop to cross safely after the works are completed. Have raised with Council. Plan details here:
SDCC says Na Gaeil Óga will be allocated pitch in local area shortly
Having been queried by quite a few parents, it was good to get clarity from the Council to a question I submitted in early April (but only got a reply to recently) that there will be a pitch allocated to Na Gaeil Óga - presumably at Tandy's Lane - for the 2024/25 season. See reply to question below. Although the club has pitch access in St Catherine's Park. which is of course in Lucan, this is in Fingal County area; the nearest SDCC pitch allocated to date (aside from a limited all-weather pitch allocation) has been in Corkagh Park.
NB - Part of the response given here by SDCC regarding use of Airlie Park AWP has been refuted by the club in the last week or so. The club pointed out that one of the times allocated was too early to be of any practical benefit
My earlier post responding to the three demands made recently to elected representatives and election candidates is here:
Developer needs to improve roadway entrance at Ballyowen Castle Shopping Centre, not SDCC
Some further updates on this story at this link:
Swimming Pool completion set for early July at present, so two months after before opening
Dates have changed before and they will change again. Meanwhile Aura Leisure are having a staff recruitment day on Monday 17th June.
To see the latest update click here:
Lucan Lodge Nursing Home
As I mentioned I have been onto HIQA and the HSE about this proposed closure, which has nothing to do with earlier fire safety issues and now relates to the financial viability issues of the company that was running the home. The hope is that the HSE would take over the facility as a going concern, or at least keep it operating until a buyer can be found. To add your voice to the petition, click here:
More litter and dumped material reported
The areas referred to in the video are near the Griffeen Shopping Centre and the gap between The Paddocks and Hillcrest Heights. Other recent areas referenced include Earlsfort, Mount Andrew and a request to gather bags in Cherbury Park from a Spring Clean by residents that was left for several weeks.
Bus survey now exceeds 1,600 replies
To have your say and add to the date click here: . As of this update we are at 1,656 responses, so a big thank you! I am just waiting to get more replies from smaller areas adjacent like Palmerstown and Newcastle. I was going to try and increase submissions from Clondalkin also, but I think I will leave that to get feedback on the D-Spine rollout, which includes the D1 departing from Foxborough. I am eager to get working on this survey as aside from the overall responses, there are a huge number of comments which I will need to go through and collate by theme.
Grass cutting delays
I've logged areas that had not been cut for some time and by the time I got responses back from SDCC, most had been cut. The rainfall in early April did apparently delay some of the schedule, but there are less machines and staff to cover a larger area than several years ago. The change of depot may make it easier for SDCC organisationally, but I would be sceptical this will improve services in Lucan due to increased travel times. Will keep highlighting. More money than ever is going into the service, but the outcomes are not optimal. However there have been reports of an improvement in recent weeks, despite the pressures. Meanwhile I'm trying to get the public realm section to acknowledge that the remaing parts of Tullyhall estate have been taken in charge, meaning that all grass areas should now be cut.
Update on Modular Housing at Backweston off Celbridge Link Road
I have received quite a few queries about this development. All the latest information is at my rolling update here:
Letter of intent finally sent to Lucan Community College
It was great to hear that the letter of intent has now been issued by the Department of Education to the contractor, so that work can finally be scheduled on the extension and repair works at the school. This campaign has been going on for approximately 15 years, culimating in the recent postcard campaign and online petition driven by the students in the school and the Parents Association. I was happy to be able to provide some assistance to their fantastic efforts as part of a co-ordinated campaign among elected representatives.
There remain some ongoing fundamental issues with schools in Lucan with no clarity on a number of projects. As a Councillor my hands are often tied, but it's worth linking again to the Lucan Schools Information page if anyone wants details of primary and second level schools in the area:
With many thanks to all the parents, politicians, school staff & community members who have campaigned over the years, especially those who supported the recent petition & email campaign to Minister Foley.
Submission made on film studio proposal at 12th Lock
This is part of the 12th Lock Masterplan which will hopefully lead to much greater leisure and recreational opportunities in the vicinity of this part of the Grand canal. My submission queried aspects of the plan in terms of film studio versus enterprise hub and also requested more engagement with local neighbours such as Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club and Lucan Pitch and Putt club. More here: